Life Changes

The Baptism of Jesus – Sunday January 16, 2022

Alessandro Magnasco The Baptism of Christ, c. 1740 National Gallery of Art Public Domain

Today we mark the Baptism of Jesus, and God’s words of love. Our anthem is Sicut Cervus (as the deer) and our scripture reading will be accompanied by the hymn You Are Holy, sung in English and Zulu. We will also share another small spiritual practice.

Worship Service

Stories and Makers Nest

Our Stories and Makers Nest this week is also about the baptism of Jesus! You will need two paper plates, markers, and something to use for cutting. Watch any time on YouTube.

Next Sunday
On January 23rd our service will include sharing communion live on Zoom as we hear the story of the Wedding at Cana.

Then, on January 30 we will begin our Healing Series (the last Sunday of each month this winter and spring). This month we begin by reflecting on love, and will also have time to light candles for joys and sorrows.

Christmas Eve Worship – Friday December 24, 2021 at 8pm

This Christmas Eve, our worship service will be at 8pm on Zoom and YouTube. We planned a musical service, filled with anthems as well as some carols, and it is wonderful to have Matt joined by eight distanced singers to enrich our musical experience.

We will have a time when candles are lit for our prayers for the world this Christmas Eve. If you wish, you might bring one or more candles to your screens with you, and light them along with either the Advent and Christ candles, or the candles during the prayers, so that our screens are lit by the glow of candlelight.

However you share in worship this evening or in the week ahead: Merry Christmas! May the light and love of Christ shine in your lives this day and every day.

Christmas Eve for All Ages

Here are two short videos telling the Christmas Story. Advent Unwrapped (by the United Church of Canada) has shared a 3 1/2 minute Colouring Storybook retelling, plus here is last year’s 9 1/2 minute Christmas Eve for the Littlest Ones:

Looking Ahead:

Join us this Sunday, December 26 on Zoom for a time of conversation and a “highlights” Christmas service.

Then, on January 2nd, we welcome guest preacher Rev. Sarah Yoon for the service “What is our resolution?” along with a few more favourite Christmas carols.

Fourth Sunday of Advent – Love

This Sunday is the final Sunday of Advent, and we will be lighting the candle of Love.

As you might know, we have been having some livestream challenges, so this Sunday we will have a second service viewing time at 1:30pm on Zoom and YouTube, should our livestream not be up to the task on Sunday morning. We will update you on Zoom and add a note in the YouTube description should this be the case.

Our In the Wild service at 3pm Sunday will happen with carols led by Matt on guitar. Please pay particular attention to dressing for the weather, wearing masks properly, and maintaining a good distance if you are planning on attending.

Then, on Christmas Eve join us online at 8pm for a beautiful musical celebration of the birth of Jesus.

Stories and Makers Nest:

Watch the Stories and Makers Nest at 9:55am on Zoom, or any time on YouTube.

Advent III Joy – Sunday December 12, 2021

Our weekly service will be shared as a livestream on YouTube and Zoom as well as in-person. Registration is no longer required for in-person worship, but proof of vaccination must be shown each time, masks must be worn at all times, and we encourage you to distance from anyone you do not consider part of your bubble.

Long, long, ago, before any of us knew the word “COVID” or thought much about the word “pandemic,” three youth began a year long exploration of faith group at Leaside, going on field trips to different places (in-person!) and having many discussions on God, Jesus, living faithfully, and the church. Then the pandemic happened…

And now, finally, we are able to hold the first of two reaffirmation of baptismal faith services (or Confirmation for short) this Sunday. For me, this is a true moment of joy. Join us this Sunday as we welcome two new members into our congregation, and as we continue to hear about John the Baptist during our Advent journey.

Rev. Emily

Stories and Makers Nest

Watch the Stories and Makers Nest at 9:55am on Zoom, or any time on YouTube.

Then, join us for our Carols by Candlelight service online Sunday at 7pm, Quiet Christmas on Thursday at 7pm, and many more opportunities to worship together inside, outside, and online this Advent and Christmas!