
World Food Sunday – October 17th

This morning, we mark World Food Sunday with a service created by the United Church of Canada Mission & Service. The sermon draws on the scripture passage of the parable of the sower, and our music includes our leads singing an anthem by Gordon Adnams “By Your Love.”

This Sunday we will be testing out livestreaming from the Sanctuary. To see our first ever livestream service, join Zoom or YouTube (using the Livestream link) a little before 10:30am (or come a little earlier to Zoom to chat). Emily, Matt, our four leads, and a few tech volunteers will be in the sanctuary leading worship as you watch at home.

This livestream test is the next step towards including an in-person worship option, so stay tuned for more information soon!

For those who like to watch the service early, or in case the livestream presents some technical challenges, we also have recorded this week’s service ahead of time (just use the YouTube Recorded Service link for this).

Watch the Stories and Makers Nest at 9:55am on Zoom, or any time on YouTube!

Next Sunday

We will celebrate Peace Sunday next week.

Harvest Thanksgiving – Sunday October 10th

This morning, we complete the Season of Creation with Thanksgiving Sunday. We will think about Smell a little bit as we wrap up our theme of experiencing creation with all of our senses, and we take some time to think about the tradition of Thanksgiving as well.

Our service includes the first virtual choir project of the fall, a beautiful rendition of Pepper Choplin’s “We Are Not Alone.” We will also sing “For the Fruit of All Creation.”

Our Thanksgiving Stories and Makers Nest focuses on Gratitude. Watch at 9:55am on Zoom, or any time on YouTube!

Next Sunday
We will have two opportunities for worship.

Our second monthly In the Wild gathering, a time for spirituality in nature for all ages, will be at 9am on the church lawn, rain or shine. Bring a mask and, if you remember, something small from nature that is meaningful for you.

At 10:30am we will have our weekly Sunday morning service, marking World Food Sunday.

Then on Sunday October 24th, we will mark Peace Sunday.

Experiencing Creation with All Our Senses: Taste – Worldwide Communion

This morning, we will celebrate Communion together live on Zoom. Bring bread and juice, or something similar with you when you join Zoom for the 10:30am service.

The service, on both YouTube and Zoom, will also include the anthem “The Task” by Gordon Adnams and a reflection that includes with our Season of Creation theme, moving on to our sense of taste.

Following the service, join Zoom at 11:10am for a time of conversation.

Our Stories and Makers Nest also relates to communion, and the craft is making a world with paper chain people. You will need a piece of white paper, water, construction paper, blue and green markers, scissors, and glue or tape. Watch at 9:55am on Zoom or any time on YouTube.

Next Sunday
We celebrate Thanksgiving Sunday by completing our Season of Creation theme with our final sense: smell. The service will include our first virtual choir project of the fall.

Experiencing Creation with All Our Senses”When I behold the Sky”

Cannon Beach, Oregon

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Today at 9am In the Wild will be gathering on the Church Lawn (with masks and distancing). Our first of a new monthly time for spirituality in nature for all ages, called In the Wild. This month our theme is balance, and we will have the opportunity to look more closely at the new plantings around the church. If you cannot attend this month, save the date for October 17th.

Today for our 10:30am service on Zoom and YouTube, we are on our second week of experiencing creation with all our senses. As we reflect on sight, we turn to poetry of the Romanticism movement which offers a perspective on the sacredness of nature.

Our music includes a beautiful arrangement of Be Thou My Vision by Bob Chilcott, as well as hymns that express the beauty of creation.

The service will be the same on Zoom and YouTube, so watch either way and then join Zoom at 11am for a time of conversation.

Next Sunday
Our worship on our next sense, Sound, will also include a Blessing of the Animals, so bring your pets or photos of your pet to the screen with you!