Through Darkness and Splendour – Sunday Nov 29th
Advent 1
Can you believe Advent is here?
This morning, Robbie will visit and remind us of what to watch for during Advent. Thank you to Rev. James Lepard, along with Michele Petick, for sharing Robbie with us once again. We will also sing a couple of Advent favourites, “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” and “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus.”
This morning, we are pleased to have Amy, Joe, Kirby and Quinn lead us as we light our first candle for Advent, the candle of hope. In the weeks ahead we will be led by other parents, youth, and children.
If you are joining by Zoom, we will also hear our Moderator’s Advent message, and sing the Hope verse of a recent hymn that we will all sing together on Christmas Eve.
For our Children’s program, we will be making a Hope decoration for your tree. Watch at 9:55 on Zoom, or any time on YouTube.
Next Sunday:
We have been invited to collaborate with Rosedale on a pageant, but will be sharing it online over Zoom rather than as a public link because of privacy concerns for some of our children. We hope you will be able to join us on Zoom Sunday morning, or watch the temporary link shared by church family email.
Please return to this past Thursday’s Advent and Christmas email for everything else happening this Advent and Christmas season!
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