
World Food Sunday | October 18, 2020

This Sunday our service on YouTube includes the duet “The Prayer” and a reflection on food insecurity, the importance of food to our faith, and hope in challenging times.

Over Zoom, we will also hear more about our own COVID care fund.

Either way, follow the Zoom link at 11:15am for our conversation time.

Our Stories and Crafts program this week continues a series on the Israelites in the wilderness and our feelings during COVID-19. All ages are welcome to join Zoom at 9:45am for the 9:55am start, or to watch it on YouTube at any time.

This Afternoon
Matthew Boutda is providing musical leadership for the Shining Waters Regional Celebration of Ministries service. Communion will also be celebrated, so you are welcome to bring bread and juice or wine to partake virtually. The service will be livestreamed on YouTube at 3pm:

Next Sunday
“COVID commandments” will be a chance to listen to the Ten Commandments and Jesus’ teaching on the greatest commandment, and then reflect on what the Ten COVID Commandments might be.

Leaside United Renovation Team Update | October 13, 2020

Hello LUC Members, Friends of Leaside United Church, and Community Members,

The last few months have presented us with many challenges in our day to day lives in Leaside and all over the world to say the least. During these unusual times, the renovation of Leaside United Church has been moving forward.

We have included a few pictures so you can have a peek inside. The new chancel is now accessible. There is a ramp that will have a railing that is still to be installed; new lighting, and sound system that are amazing!

Our organ remains, and will be repaired once the renovation is complete. The baby grand piano will be on the main floor in front of the chancel.

The gym looks terrific with a new floor and ceiling. Ready for action as soon as we are able to rent it out!

In the lower level of the church you will also see the beautiful new kitchen. Outside of the kitchen where the stage of the auditorium used to be, a new space has been created. We are currently calling it the “Gathering Space” and see it as an area for art displays or get-togethers.

The new front steps are completed on Millwood along with a fabulous new driveway. We are waiting for the delivery of the glass to enclose in the new entrance on Millwood. Inside there will be renovated staff offices and a welcoming reception area with a coffee bar.

Facing McRae, the main entrance steps have been repaired and landscaping of the entire property is happening now!

There are still a lot of details to finalize, but the renovation is looking at a timely end later in October or mid-November.

If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to us. Looking forward to sharing this wonderful new space with all of you.

The Renovation Team

Harvest Thanksgiving | October 11, 2020

19th Sunday After Pentecost

Harvest Thanksgiving October 11, 2020

This Sunday, for Thanksgiving Sunday we will share identical services on YouTube and on Zoom (with gathering music beginning at 10:25am). Worship in choose whichever way you prefer, and then join Zoom at 11am for a time of conversation.

Highlights this Sunday include our first fall virtual choir project with 25 singers, our pastoral care minister Jean Marie leading the prayers, and a visit from Robbie.

Gather on Zoom at 9:45am if you would like to watch our Stories and Crafts program – all ages welcome! (You can also watch it on YouTube at any time.)

Next Sunday
We look forward to World Food Sunday next week.

Worldwide Communion Sunday October 4, 2020 10:30am

This Sunday, over Zoom, we’ll share communion live. Bring bread, crackers, or some other food, and juice, wine, or something else to drink, as we celebrate together with people around the world.

Gather at 9:45am for our Stories and Crafts program – all ages welcome. We’ll be learning some more ASL, and making a fish.

Or join before 10:25am, when we’ll begin our gathering music

Our worship on YouTube includes a prayer by St. Francis of Assisi, a reflection on what it means to think about being connected during these times, and the solo “The Call.”

Next Sunday
Thanksgiving Sunday will include our first Virtual Choir Anthem of the fall! We will also have a visit from Robbie.