
Worship Service – Sunday September 6, 2020

This past Sunday was our last of the summer, and we spent a little time thinking about Forgiveness as a Spiritual Practice.
Our service on YouTube includes Emily’s reflection and a prayer with sung response you can see it below. On Zoom our service included wishing one another Peace and a beautiful anthem shared by Islington United Church.

Please join us next Sunday, September 13th for our first Virtual Baptism!  This will launch this year’s Creation Time as we celebrate the earth, beginning with water.

Next week September 13th, we begin Creation Time, as we celebrate the goodness of the earth and remember our responsibility to it. We will begin with water – and (weather permitting) we will share a virtual outdoor baptism on Zoom as the first part of the service.

We look forward to worshiping with you virtually,
Rev. Emily Gordon and Director of Musicm Matthew Boutda (Worship planning team)

Meet U @ The Zoom Room – Fall Edition

We are excited to let you all know that we will be continuing our weekly Meet U @ The Zoom Room throughout the fall. Come and listen to weekly speakers and have discussion with others.

Watch your emails for the Zoom link to the weekly meeting held on Wednesdays from 10:45am to 11:45am. See you there!

COVID-19 Response Team: Worship Message

Rose of Sharon bloom on east side of Leaside United Church
Photo Credit: Michele Petick taken on August 20/20

This summer the worship planning team and the COVID response team have been closely monitoring the COVID situation and the guidelines regarding the opening of places of worship. There is nothing we would like more than to be able to return to worship, to share hugs and handshakes, and linger over conversation and coffee. Unfortunately, it is clear that it will be quite some time before this vision of church will be possible.

We have been hearing from many about ways we are able to connect with worship and community within Leaside United Church. Worship over Zoom and on YouTube offers opportunity to reflect, hear scripture, and pray together. We are able to sing and to hear music, even though the experience can’t be the same. Over Zoom, we are able to wish one another peace, to talk with each other, even sometimes to light candles for prayers. On YouTube we can hear the incredible virtual choir projects, and return to meaningful prayers, reflections, and music, or share them with others. Over Zoom we have been able to share a children’s program every week, and we are working on plans to offer a children’s program on YouTube in the fall, as a more flexible possibility for families.

Worship at Home – Sunday June 21, 2020


Your presence is a blessing.  

Today is both the Indigenous Day of Prayer and Father’s Day. The service will include a visit from Robbie, prayer written for the Indigenous Day of Prayer, and the hymn “This is God’s Wondrous World.”

On Zoom, we will also share a time of lighting candles together, share a Psalm, and hear more about Treaties in our area. As is our new usual, you can watch the service on YouTube, or connect through Zoom or by phoning in.

Join us on Zoom any time after 10 for our 10:30 service, or gather between 9:45 and 10 for our children’s program. If you watch the service on YouTube, join us on Zoom at 11:10 for our Conversation Time.

Then, at 11:15, you will have the option to join another break out room to watch a 9 minute video shared by the UCC Black Clergy Network.

Your worship team, Rev. Emily Gordon, Matthew Boutda and Natalie Jahn