
Worship at Home – Celebration Sunday June 14, 2020


Your presence is a blessing.

This morning, at or before 10:30 am, watch our service on YouTube for the best experience of the music – including 3 virtual anthems!
At 11:00 am, join on Zoom for:

  • Stewardship Celebration slideshow
  • more musical highlights
  • A very short congregational meeting to approve council and committee members next year
  • Time for conversation

As usual, our children’s program will begin at 10 on Zoom, and we’ll share the service on Zoom at 10:30 for anyone phoning in to hear the service.

Use the links in your email to connect, read the bulletin (including musical notes) and the announcements (including an update about the building closure), and donate.

We look forward to worshiping with you!

~ The Worship Planning Team(Emily, Matt, and Natalie)

Celebrations this Sunday June 14, 2020

Celebrations this Sunday!

This Sunday is our Church Birthday and we will celebrate 3 years of our new Leaside United Church with a service full of music and leadership from our congregation.

Look for Sunday’s email to link to the service on YouTube – the best way to appreciate the full effect of our 3 virtual choir anthems!
Then, after the service be sure to join us on Zoom for:

  • The Stewardship Celebration slideshow (a highlight every year)
  • A couple more musical surprises from our congregation
  • A very short congregational meeting to approve council and committee members; click this LINK to review the council and committee members before Sunday

. . . and time for conversation with one another!
The service will also be shared at 10:30 on Sunday morning, for those phoning in to hear the service and there will also be a children’s program at 10 am as usual.

We look forward to worshiping with you on Sunday!

The Worship Planning Team (Emily, Matt, and Natalie)

Worship at Home – June 7, 2020


Your presence is a blessing.

Today we start at the beginning as we think about God, creation, and humankind.

Our service on YouTube focuses on Day 6 of the story (the creation of humans), as we celebrate music (including the hymn “O Beautiful Gaia”) and photography. You might find this video is also a good length to share with others.

On Zoom we will hear the other days of creation as well. Join us any time after 10 for our 10:30 service, or gather between 9:45 and 10 for our children’s program.

If you watch this morning on YouTube, you can follow the Zoom link at about 11:10 am to share in conversation.

Your leadership team,

Rev. Emily Gordon, Matthew Boutda and Natalie Jahn

Worship at Home | Sunday May 31, 2020


Your presence is a blessing. Today we celebrate Pentecost – a day we often think of as the beginning of the church. Our hymns include the beautiful words and melody of “Spirit, Open My Heart.” We will also be lighting an extra candle with prayers for peace this morning.

As is our new usual, you can watch the service at 10:30 on YouTube (or at a later time), or connect through Zoom or by phoning in. Join us any time after 10 for our 10:30 service, or gather between 9:45 and 10 for our children’s program.

Please note that Zoom has asked all users to upgrade to 5.0 this weekend. It should do this automatically – but leave a little extra time to connect this morning!

Whether you take part on Zoom or watching on YouTube, you are welcome to stay (or join the Zoom meeting) directly following the service for a time of conversation. Check your email this morning for the links.

Worship Team, Rev. Emily Gordon, Matthew Boutda and Natalie Jahn.