This Sunday August 11, 2019 at 10:30am will be the first of two weeks (August 18th) with the Rev. Alison Mock, who was a classmate of Emily’s at Emmanuel College and is a thoughtful and engaging preacher. Alison will be reflecting on the idea of faith revealed in others.
For all of August, we will continue worshiping in the auditorium for a more casual (and cooler) summer feel. We will begin with a gathering hymn sing and – new this year – we will have a drop in children’s program with Natalie each week this month. We will also be saying the traditional version of the Lord’s Prayer, for those who love the familiar words, and then ending the service by sharing peace with one another.
This month, Jean Marie Suchora is providing pastoral care, and our Voluntary Associate Minister Rev. James Lepard is available for funerals and memorials. Then starting in September, Rev. Warren McDougall will join us as a part time supply minister until the end of the year when Rev. Emily Gordon will be returning in January 2020.
Like to read the scripture ahead?
This week our scripture reading will be: Hebrews 11:1-3,8-16
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