Making A Will

Make A will Month Presentation on Wills & POAs

November is Make a Will Month (MAWM), when the Ontario Bar Association offers public seminars to educate the public about the importance of having a will. The Pastoral Care Committee took this opportunity to host a Lunch & Learn MAWM event on November 4. Over 50 people attended to learn important pointers about Wills, Estate Planning and Powers of Attorney (POAs) from Areta Lloyd who practices Estate Law, Elder Law and Health Law with Dickson Appell.

In addition to the importance of having an up-to-date will and POA prepared by a lawyer, a lot of ground was covered: the appointment and powers of executors and trustees; trusts for your minors or other beneficiaries; assets included in a will, to mention a few.  It is particularly important to review your will after major life changes. Most attendees felt motivated to review their wills after this session.

Areta Lloyd also discussed ‘wishes’ that can be included in your will but are not legally binding. This could deal with funeral and burial arrangements. For assistance with expressing your wishes, see the LUC website, Life Changes section: . Areta manages a web site to provide resources and guidance for POA attorneys. See:

Sheila Lacroix

Pastoral Care Committee

Photos courtesy of our volunteer photographer Murray Fenner (click image to enlarge):