

Being affirming is a journey, this is ours so far …

What does “Affirming” mean?


No matter what your sexual orientation or gender identity, you are welcome here! We are working to be a safe space for you.  We are an Affirming Ministry through Affirm United;  this is such an important part of our legacy as a church:  to be as extensively inclusive as we believe Jesus was!

Do we perform same-sex marriages?

Yes, we do!

Just got this pocket guide from Egale Canada Human Rights Trust, a social justice advocacy group that works to improve the lives of LGBTQI2S people in Canada.  #AffirmingEveryday

Equal Recognition for all Parents and Children

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Resources for Youthyouthline-logo

LGBT Youth line:  A safe non judgemental help line for lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender, transsexual, two-spirited, queer and questioning young people.


Kids Help Phone:  The words lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer and questioning are used to refer to a person’s sexual orientation. The words transgender/trans refer to a person’s gender identity.

This site is a safe space where you can learn about:

Sexual orientation, and explore: “What is sexual orientation?”; “I think I might be LGBTQ”, “Coming out”; “Being an ally”; “My friend is LGBTQ” and “Straight privilege”.

Gender identity, and explore “Sex, gender, and other labels”, ”I am…”, “Getting help”, “Coming out”, “Transitioning”, “Staying safe”, and “Being in a relationship with someone who’s trans”.


The Children’s Aid Society – Out and Proud Program

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Two-Spirited People of the First Nations


14 College St, 4th floor, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 1K2

Counselling, information, and support for gays and lesbians of the First Nations community.

Resources for Parents


PFLAG:  Toronto Pflag is a volunteer-run, registered charitable organization. Through support, education and advocacy we work to create a more accepting society for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals and their families, friends and allies. 

Congratulations from the Premier of Ontario


Who is Affirm United?

This is the branch of the United Church of Canada dedicated to the full inclusion of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities in the United Church of Canada and in society. Click here for more information.


Our Affirming Celebration April, 2016



 Ruth’s Story