Leaside United Church

Roots & Shoots Recap

On Sunday January 15th, 2017 sponsored by the Presteign-Woodbine United Church Transition Team, we all gathered after the service for a Potluck Lunch and Heritage Event.  There was lots of food for the over 70 people who attended. It was a special time for us to begin getting to know one another.  We learned about the strengths we bring from our past and discovered how we’ll build a future together.  Thank you to everyone who came and brought delicious food to share and a special thank you to Rev. Rose Ann Vita and the team for organizing this great event.




Faith Exploration

The Faith Exploration Group meets this Sunday, January 29th from 7:00 to 9:00pm.  This will be an inter-generational meeting with both the Adult and Youth Exploration groups meeting together to listen to individual stories by people of different faith traditions who are answering a spiritual call to confront the current environment crisis.