Leaside United Church

Field Trip to a Rock Eucharist

A very warm welcome was waiting for us at The Church of the Redeemer’s Rock Eucharist. The music was fabulous! Our youth were really surprised to see a real band with electric guitars and drums. The sermon was interesting and the minister wore NO SHOES which was sort of weird but also kind of cool. We liked the way the priest talked about the lyrics during his sermon. Biggest difference noted was the use of real wine out of a silver goblet and that there were kneeling benches (which weren’t used during this service).

Guest Speaker Author Diana Farrar

Author Diana Farrar

Author Visit at Leaside United!

Join us on Sunday February 12 at 12 pm. as we welcome guest speaker Diana Farrar, author of ”Door of the Heart” and long time advocate for equity.   Diana and her wife, Charlotte, from Dallas Texas, are coming to speak about the importance of community and why we must never become complacent with our advocacy work for those who are marginalized.  As an Affirming church, Leaside United is committed to offering ongoing educational opportunities that support the rights of  LGBTQ+  and all other marginalized peoples.   Please join us for this free event.

NEW! LGBTQ+ Question Boxes

Excerpt From Emily’s Weekday Wondering January 11, 2017

“The final gift was to all of us – a set of beautifully hand-painted question boxes as a part of the Affirming process. These are now around the church (by the office, in the sanctuary, near the Hearth Room), along with paper and pencils. They are an opportunity to ask the questions you might have related to LGBTQ+ topics. As an Affirming Congregation, Leaside has committed to an ongoing journey of learning and welcome. Presteign-Woodbine has not yet taken part in an affirming process, so this is an opportunity for all of us to ask questions and learn new things safely. Any time, please write down a question, whatever it might be. Some examples we heard on Sunday include:

“What does LGBTQ+ stand for?”
“How old are people when they know they are gay?”
“What does the term ‘Asexual’ mean?”
“Why do pronouns matter?”

We will have the opportunity to read answers to these, and any of your questions in future bulletin”