Office Admin

Worship at Leaside UC – Sun, October 20, 2024

This Sunday, Oct 20, we will begin a three week series on the Call of the United Church of Canada: Deep Spirituality, Bold Discipleship, Daring Justice. We begin with “Deep Spirituality” this week as we listen to the Parable of the Sower. Worship will be led by Rev. Cynthia O’Connell, from Glebe Road United Church as LUC takes part in a North Toronto Cluster of Churches pulpit swap (Emily will be at Fairlawn Avenue). Our music will include the opening hymn Morning Has Broken. To view the service, please click this LINK.


Thank you to all the volunteers who have worked so hard to prepare for the Awesome Sale this weekend, and to all the community members for the many donations you brought to the church. Your tireless work is appreciated! Have fun at the Sale and remember to bring your own bags to take home your Awesome deals! Thank you for your support!

Worship at Leaside UC – Sunday, Oct 6, 2024

On Sunday, Oct 6 we celebrate World Wide Communion. Rev. Dr. James Lepard will lead the service while Rev. Emily is on study leave. We look forward to a special visit from “Robbie.” If you are joining the livestream, please remember to have bread and juice with you for the service. For those attending in person, we will come forward to receive communion but communion cups will be available at the doors for those who would prefer that option.