
Organ Notes by: Sharon L. Beckstead

Organ Notes – 25 years of Music in Leaside

By: Sharon L. Beckstead

The clarinet stop on the Casavant organ drew me to Leaside United Church from the first day I was in to practice before my audition in July 1993.  The history of excellent music programs and a well-maintained pipe organ were most important to me.

Over the years my responsibilities and achievements included:
  • Planning early 9 am services that were creative and allowed for more flexible worship. Inviting various guests to lead services, too.
  • Got involved in the children and youth network from the nearby churches – we met to plan the launch of Kids at Conference (Toronto Conference annual meeting).
  • Noon-day concerts at St James Anglican Cathedral, St Paul’s Anglican (Bloor) and Yorkminster Park Baptist.
  • Led many workshops on music in the church in Southern Ontario and beyond – Amherst Island, Kingston, Brantford, Charlottetown, Green Bay WI, Colorado Springs, CO
  • President elect, President and then Past President for the Hymn Society in the United States and Canada (1998-2004).
  • On editorial committee for Songs for a Gospel People (1987)
  • Editor of All God’s Children Sing (1992)
  • Music Editor for Gathering – a Worship Resource (1991-1996)
  • Proof-reader and general supporter for Voices United (1996)
  • Proof-reader for Common Praise (Anglican Church of Canada, 1998)
  • Joint concerts with Church of the Transfiguration, St Paul’s Orillia, Guardian Angels Catholic Church of Orillia, St Augustine of Canterbury, St Cuthberts, Various churches in Peterborough
  • North Toronto Ministerial events – joint services with Northlea, Leaside Presbyterian, Leaside UC and St Augustine of Canterbury
  • Services with Onnuri Korean Church
  • Lessons and Carols – for 6 years joint with St Cuthberts and St Augustine of Canterbury
  • Advent Lessons at St Cuthberts
  • 100th Anniversary of the founding of the town of Leaside (2013) – Celebratory Hymn Festival with all churches (and choirs) in the area participating.
  • Special music for Good Friday – Stainer’s Crucifixion, Dubois’ Seven Last Words, Fauré Requiem, Hymn festival on the Seven Last Words
We enjoyed many special musical guests, here are some we enjoyed together:

Musical  Guests include: Jim and Jean Strathdee, Jimmie Abbingdon, Ron Klusmeier, Bruce Harding, Andrew Donaldson, Metropolitan Silver Band, Marty Arnold, Warren and Olivia Hill, Jazz combo to lead worship, Duet organ recital with Robin King, Tammy Jo Mortensen organ recital, Carl Daw guest preacher, hymn writing workshop with Fred Graham and Lydia Peterson, Brian Roman, Infinitely More, and Joanna Jordan a wonderful harpist.

We also enjoyed talented youth under the direction of Cynda Fleming with the C-Flats instrumental program, guest instrumentalists (flute, guitar, trumpet, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, drums, French horn).

It was great coordinating these wonderful tributes and fundraisers:

Various choir concerts included – Broadway Bedazzled, Bouquet of Love, 50th Anniversary of the Pipe Organ with William Maddox, organ (2007), 60th Anniversary of the Pipe Organ with William Maddox and Sharon Beckstead Organists (2017).

My faith is simple – the trinity is my base – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. A form of the golden rule – where Charity and love prevail, there God is ever found; brought here together by Christ’s love, by love we thus are bound.  Love, kindness and a smile – the credo for life. It has guided my life as a musician serving the church since I was a little girl.

My plans going forward after Leaside United is to have weekends off with no church commitments – attend other churches (or not).  Weekends away to Stratford, Niagara.  A celebration trip in the spring of 2019.  Downsizing my house to a smaller accommodation.

Leaside has been a great place to be and work for 25 years.  Lots of interesting and sometimes challenging people and personalities.  Thank you for this quarter century of opportunity and I look forward to celebrating with you next week at my Retirement Celebration!

Sharon L. Beckstead

Music Director of Leaside United Church

Sharon Beckstead, LUC Music Director, 1993-present

Emily’s Weekday Wonderings – What I’m Doing this July

General Council 43

Weekday Wonderings: What I’m Doing this July

This summer I have been elected as a commissioner to the 43rd General Council (GC43) of the United Church of Canada. This meeting of the whole denomination happens in person every 3 years, and this year it is being hosted in Oshawa. My term as Commissioner will last for 3 years, until the 44th meeting, but the week of July 21-27th and the lead up to that week, is the busiest part of my commitment. For the remaining 3 years there will be two or three relatively brief online meetings. I know this can sound like a lot of church speak, and not necessarily what you want to read about in the summer, but I did want to share a bit of what is happening for me and for the larger church.

Risking Faith, Daring Hope

This is the theme of GC43, and I thought it was such an interesting one
that we’ll have the opportunity to explore it in worship at Leaside United during July. What does faith ask us to risk? What are we daring when we hope?  Where do we need to bring risk and daring into our own lives, our community, and our world? I talk about this in our first “Minute with Emily” video.

This Little Light of Mine by Tanya Wiles-Bell

Tanya Wiles-Bell took the lectern yesterday on her last day as Leaside United’s Christian Education Director.

Listen to her reflection here (best listened with headphones):

June 24, 2018 – 25:26: This Little Light of Mine – Tanya Wiles-Bell

She talked earnestly about her journey to Leaside United Church and how it wasn’t always easy. She persevered in the light of God and fulfilled a calling to become the Christian Education Director after reflecting on a simple note that said “Be silent and listen” … a sticky note she had posted on her bathroom mirror encouraging her to search daily for direction and answers.

We sang some of her favourite hymns like My Love Colours Outside the Lines and Draw the Spirit Wide both by Gordon Light.

Tanya shared an inspiring poem with us called The Light by Steve Taylor.

After her brilliant spoken reflection, as a memento of her own bright light, Tanya Wiles-Bell shared a token of this light she believes flows through all of us like a connected current of energy, by inviting each of us to come and collect a crystal ornament to hang in a window or a special place to enjoy and share with others.

Today she is celebrating her birthday and the first steps of her new dance in to retirement!

Thank you Tanya for your incredible ministry!