Tanya Wiles-Bell is Retiring!
Join us for a celebration of her dedication to Leaside United Church as our Christian Education Director for the past 10 years!
Join us for a celebration of her dedication to Leaside United Church as our Christian Education Director for the past 10 years!
Our church’s Birthday Celebration is coming up! On June 10th it will be one year since the coming together of Leaside United Church and Presteign-Woodbine United Church as one new congregation.
So why bother celebrating birthdays (church birthdays or our own birthdays)?
I think there are several reasons that apply:
How will we be celebrating our church’s birthday on June 10th? …
Truth and reconciliation is an evolving process of healing and understanding. One of the ways we can remember is by acknowledging that we meet on the Traditional Territory of the Mississaugas of the New Credit. With Supply Minister Rev. Warren McDougall at Leaside United Church.
Arts & Crafts Gallery
You may remember this from last year. Join us in the gym to see the many talents of our gifted congregation.
Photos and Cake
The Stewardship in Action committee will be showing a celebration slideshow during worship, as well as hosting cake, coffee and tea in the gym after the service. They will also be showing extra photos from our first year as a new congregation.
Renewing our Promises and Lighting Candles
During worship, we’ll have the chance to renew our commitment to the work and worship of the congregation, looking forward to an exciting future. We’ll also have the opportunity to light candles in memory and in hope during our time of prayers.
Saying Farewell to John Rooke
We’ll have the opportunity in the gym to thank John Rooke for his 10 years working at LUC!
Toy Swap and Face Painting
After worship, bring toys and take toys at the toy swap table (even if you’re not a child). And have your face painted for some summer birthday fun.
Viewing The Quilt Maker’s Gift
For those who miss The Quilt Maker’s Gift on June 3rd, or loved it so much they want to see it again, there will be an opportunity to watch a recording of this wonderful play.
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