Pride Sunday – June 27, 2021
Our worship this morning will include lighting rainbow of candles as we reflect on our call as an Affirming congregation. We will hear passages from scripture, including the story of David and Jonathan. We will also see a video created by our Affirming Team especially for this service!
Our Stories and Makers Nest will be the final one before the summer! We look forward to a return of Rebecca and Roberta’s program in the fall.
Today’s story is about David and Goliath.
The program can be seen at 9:55am on Zoom, or any time on YouTube. You are invited to continue to share these with other people who are young or young at heart in your life.
If you know families that would like a way to engage without screens, our monthly Church at Home packages will be continuing during the summer. Please email Rebecca or Emily to be added to the list, and share the information with extended family and friends!
Next Sunday
We mark Canada Sunday, with an opportunity for lamenting, celebrating, and committing to the future.
Then we begin our summer worship, taking a simplified approach to our worship as we all enjoy the summer weather and as our staff start getting ready for the fall. Here are a few highlights:
- Robbie will be making an appearance in both July and August.
- August 1 we will share a communion service live over Zoom.
- We will hear a couple of guest preachers, as well as share more services with Northlea United Church
- Themes include: Sacred Space, It’s Okay Not to be Okay, Live in Love, Wisdom and Deception, and more
- We will have Zoom and YouTube options every week, which will range from shorter Worship Moments to full services.
We look forward to worshiping with you this morning, and throughout the summer.
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