
In the Wild & Love My Enemy? – Sunday February 20, 2022

In the Wild Gathering
Celebrating Snow
9am Sunday on the Church Lawn
Wear masks and dress for the weather!

Then, at 10:30am join us in-person, on Zoom, or on YouTube for our weekly Sunday morning worship.

Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
Black History Month

Love My Enemy?

This week we are pleased to add an in-person worship option once again! Please read further in the email for Covid protocols in-person. If you are worshiping online, join us on Zoom following the service for a time of conversation.

Our music this Sunday includes the anthem “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” and the hymn “For the Healing of the Nations.” You will also want to arrive in time for the piano prelude “Hymn to Freedom.”

This week our theme will be “Love my enemy?” as we continue reading Luke’s gospel with Jesus’ words from a level place. The Bible speaks about many forms of love – love of God, of self, of neighbour, of stranger, and of enemy. What does loving our enemy mean in practical terms? Can we really love our enemies?

Looking Ahead
On February 27 we will continue our healing series (the last Sunday of every month). We hear a short opening prayer en français, sing Shall We Gather at the River and I’ve Got Peace Like a River, and light candles for joys and sorrows.

Then, on Wednesday, March 2 we will share a short (15 minute) Ash Wednesday time of worship online only.

On Sunday, March 6 we mark the first Sunday during the season of Lent by welcoming guest preacher the Rev. Dr. John Young, Interim Principal at Emmanuel College.

See you in church! In-Person Worship starts this Sunday

Photo by Murray Fenner

Our monthly In the Wild gathering will be at 9am on February 20th on the church lawn. Wear a mask and come dressed and ready to Celebrate Snow!

On February 20th at 10:30am our theme is “Love my enemy?” Our music will include the anthem “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” and our piano prelude will be Oscar Peterson’s Hymn to Freedom.

We look forward to worshiping with you, in-person, on Zoom, or on YouTube starting this Sunday.

Important COVID Team NEWS:

Many restrictions are being lifted in Ontario. The Covid-19 team has met this week to review these as they apply to our Church.The decision was made to commence In-person worship on Sunday, February 20th.Please note the following:

  • Proof of vaccination is required
  • Masking is required (Please note that the use of N95 masks is encouraged)
  • Socially distanced at all times

More details about In-Person Worship:

It’s been a couple of months since we had an in-person worship option, so here is a more detailed reminder of our guidelines.

Please follow these guidelines for in-person worship in order to keep the experience as COVID safe as possible:

· If you are attending in-person worship and 12-years-old or older, you must show proof of vaccination at the door every time or have a medical exemption (you must speak to Emily Gordon in advance about a medical exemption).

· If you have any COVID symptoms, have had contact with a known COVID case, or are waiting for the results of a COVID test you must stay and worship at home. If you are not well for any reason, please stay and join us virtually.

· Wear a mask at all times while in the church.

· Please arrive 10-15 minutes before the service to show proof of vaccination, complete Sign-in/Wellness form and find your seat.

· Use provided hand sanitizer.

· If needed, pick up a headset at the Sign-in table.

· Maintain social distancing from those not in your bubble, whenever possible. You may use coats placed on the pews to help maintain distancing. Please do not sit in the front rows, since there must be at least 2 metres from our choir leads.

· To provide one-way directional movement everyone: Use Main Millwood Rd ramp/entrance to enter, then exit pew by pew via the McRae Dr doors (unless an elevator is required located at the Millwood Rd Entrance).

· During in-person worship, please remain seated during hymns and do not sing, but if you would like please hum.

· If you wish to speak to other attendees, you are invited to exit the building first, and do so on the lawn.

· Children and youth are welcome to attend and stay with their family during the service. Children may borrow books or colouring materials to use during the service from the children’s area, and one family may choose to use the children’s area rather than being seated in the pews. We encourage full vaccination for all children ages 5-11.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Words from a Level Place – Sunday February 13, 2022

February 13, 2022

Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
Black History Month

Words from a Level Place

Luke’s gospel tells us that Jesus teaches his disciples and the crowds gathered about him from a level place – and his words that we hear in this service are also about a kind of leveling. How might we work towards level places in our own lives and in our wider world? Where is leveling needed?

As we look ahead to Valentine’s Day on Monday – and this year to Broken Hearts Day on Tuesday, we remember that we respond to the words of Jesus from our hearts first rather than our minds. Our small spiritual practice this week is also about paying attention to our hearts.

Our service music this week include the anthem Abendfeier in Venedig by Clara Schumann and the closing hymn “I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me.”

Whether you worship on Zoom or YouTube, join us on Zoom following the service for a time of conversation.

Next Sunday
On February 20 we will share another service from the larger United Church: Black Experiences in Canadian Churches, created by 6 Millenials and Gen Zs.

Also, our monthly In the Wild gathering will be at 9am on February 20th on the church lawn. Wear a mask and come dressed and ready to Celebrate Snow!