
Fred Fox – Special Guest Speaker at Meet U @ The Zoom Room

Join us on Wednesday February 9th at 10:30am on Zoom for a special Meet U @ The Zoom Room speaker event with renowned speaker Fred Fox on behalf of his brother and the Terry Fox Foundation.

More about Fred Fox:
Fred Fox never imagined that he would take part in one of the most inspiring stories in Canadian history when he watched his brother Terry set out on his Marathon of Hope in April of 1980. He had the opportunity to join Terry a couple of times on the road that summer and watch as Canadians embraced his brother in a remarkable way. Fred’s commitment to Terry’s cancer research legacy never wavered, leading the Terry Fox Foundation’s BC Office from 1994 to 2001 and then moving to the National Office in 2009 to serve as Manager of Supporter Relations.

All welcome to hear how Fred supports cancer research and continued dedication to his brother’s legacy. Please share the Zoom link with a friend.

Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 883 9875 7927
Passcode: 666497

Phone In:

For those phoning please:

  1. Dial either phone number: 647-558-0588 or 647-374-4685
  2. Put in the Meeting ID number: 883 9875 7927
  3. Put in the Password number: 666497
  4. If asked for a participant ID, just press #
  5. Unmute your phone by pressing *6

Lesser Evils – Lenten Book Study

Join us this lent as we explore “Lesser Evils”

This year’s Lenten book is full of reflections on how to wend your way through the dilemmas of every day living. It’s good to read by itself; it’s even more exciting to read together with others! Join us!

Lesser Evils: Daily Reflections on Seeking Wisdom explores everyday dilemmas of seeking the good while choosing the lesser evil from a Christian perspective. The diverse group of contributors reflect on how their faith informs their daily choices, from “Do I take this parking space?” to “Do I wear this mask?” to “Do I choose to forgive you?”

Contact Rev. Emily

Reaching out to our unhoused neighbours

Photo used with permission by Rev. Stephen Milton, January 20th Demonstration downtown Toronto

It’s cold out there!

The mix of the Omicron surge, frigid winter temperatures, and a lack of adequate beds to shelter those affected by the mounting housing crisis, is affecting our most vulnerable, the unhoused. This month, the city’s shelter intake ‘crashed’ turning people out into the streets. What is needed? 

Emergency Survival Supplies: for those on the streets and in encampments

Organizations providing outreach are looking for tents, winter sleeping bags, warm gloves, winter boots, winter coats, hoodies, etc. LUC COVID Relief funds have gone towards such purchases this month; hoodies and sweatpants were delivered to Eastminster’s Out of the Cold, and survival supplies to Sanctuary, one of the downtown distribution depots. Donating to this fund is one way you can help, as disbursements to meet needs of food and shelter insecurity are ongoing. The church will not be collecting items at this time. If you have suitable items to donate, please contact Emily or me for information on drop off locations.

Immediate Pressure on the City

The Shelter and Housing Justice Network has identified core demands of the city for additional protection and services such as more warming centres, opening these at higher temperatures, a moratorium on encampment evictions during this crisis, expanded overdose prevention within the shelters, and demands relating to COVID / infection control.  Dozens and dozens of organizations, including members of Faith in the City, have joined together, through rallies, letters, and press releases, in a united plea for the city to respond.   

In the Longer Term

As faithful Christians we should be part of the bigger solution. How can we be an informed voice, working towards justice with partners and all levels of government, in how we frame sharing lands and space to ensure a safe home and community for all.  

Sheila Lacroix
on behalf of Leaside United

Note: If you are connected with real estate, development, or other work that relates to housing in our city, and would be interested in being part of a larger conversation about what we can do towards housing solutions in our city with the North Toronto Cluster of Churches, please contact Emily Gordon (

Water and Wine – January 23, 2022

Shortly before 10:30am our weekly service will be livestreamed on Zoom and YouTube.

Following the Anthem, those joining on Zoom will also share in Communion together. Bring bread (or something bread-like) and grape juice (or something else to drink) with you this morning.

Today we share communion live on Zoom as we hear the story of the Wedding at Cana. We’ll also share Psalm 36, and here the anthem Ave Verum Corpus.

Stories and Makers Nest

Our Stories and Makers Nest this week shares some of Jesus’ teaching. We will make a scroll using paper, markers, and a teabag.

Next Sunday
Then, on January 30 we will begin our Healing Series (the last Sunday of each month this winter and spring). This month we begin by reflecting on love, and will also have time to light candles for joys and sorrows.

YouTube Playlists
We have just updated our Small Spiritual Practices playlist here:
Consider looking through the small spiritual practices Emily has shared over the last couple of years, and pass the video link on to someone you know who might be interested.

Other Playlists include…
Music Highlights:
Worship Services:
The Stories and Makers Nest: