
Leaside United Church Census

A dedicated group of people are working hard to gather important information about our community and our congregation as we think about our future. Part of this work is a church census that will ask questions about you, your engagement with the church, and your spiritual life. We’d like to have everyone complete the census – all those who attend Leaside regularly or irregularly, as well as those who do not attend worship but have another connection to and an interest in the church. The more input we have on our congregation, our interests, and our hopes for the future, the better our mission and ministry will be.

Please click the hand to access, fill out and submit the

Leaside United Church Census online:


Thank you very much for your time!

If you have any trouble with the image link above please copy and paste this URL address directly into your browser:

If you would like to print out the census and fill it out by hand, you may download it from the link here, it should be printed on legal 8 1/2″ x 14″ size paper and return to the Church Office after you’ve completed it.


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Out of the Cold

Out of the Cold Program

The Eastminster United Church ‘Out-of-the-Cold’ Program for homeless and low-income adults, begins a new season on Friday, November 3rd. This program runs every Friday night for 5 months and provides dinner for an average 120 adults, and overnight accommodation and breakfast for 45 adults. Warm showers and a clothing room are also

available to guests. Donations of used towels, winter clothing (especially men’s winter coats, jeans and boots), toiletries and new underwear, are always needed and greatly appreciated. A donation bin is located outside the church office doors.

If you are interested in volunteering or wish more information, please refer to the program website at or contact Marnie Walker via the Church Office.

Many thanks for your continuing support of this much needed program.

The Miracle on Millwood Continues!

Photographs by Murray Fenner


Once again, the Fall Awesome Sale was a great success!

The final amount was about $24 500 which exceeded the 2016 Fall total. For this particular sale, this result should be celebrated since there were no summer donations received because the stage was needed to store the furniture, church records and other sacred/special items from Presteign-Woobine United Church. Also noteworthy, is the record 2017 annual total of about $58 500.

In the 22 years of recorded totals, the Awesome Sales have now raised over $780,000. 25% of the Awesome Sale revenue is designated for the outreach work of our church.

These awesome sales would not be possible without the steadfast belief, commitment and hard work of many people. We are grateful for the donors, sorters, sales people plus set-up and clean-up crews.

However, year-round efforts are required by a group of very dedicated disciples who call themselves, “The Ragpickers”. Twenty to thirty times a year (mostly Friday mornings), these special folk meet to sort, clean, fold, pack and store all the saleable goods. There are almost 20 departments now. It is a monumental effort!

For up to two to three months before Sales Days, our church custodian, Kim Morgan, has a considerable amount of extra work created by the tasks of picking up and storing furniture, books, clothes and many other items. We are fortunate to have such a helpful, pleasant person to assist with the heavy lifting, etc.

There are literally thousands of unique stories associated with the many aspects of these Awesome Sales. Indeed, every staffer, customer, pick-up and destination (for goods sold or unsold), has a special value. For example, unsold books from The Sale now have 6 separate new homes in places like Sunnybrook Health Centre, Women’s College Hospital, Robart’s Library, Victoria College and The Children’s Book Bank. Furniture goes to Habitat for Humanity and all other items are picked up by Cerebral Palsy. As well, much-needed practical goods are at times, directed to families in the Thorncliffe-Femingdon area.

The positive effects of our Awesome Sales help so many in both our local and GTA communities.

Over the years, funds raised via the Awesome Sales of our church have helped the following:

Community Kitchen
Eastminster Out-Of-The Cold
Flemingdon Food Bank
Kennedy House Youth Shelter
Massey Centre
Raising the Roof (toques)
Special Projects: e.g., Social Justice Cafe
Thorncliffe Neighbourhood Office projects
Yonge Street Mission
Christan Resource Centre

Echo Bay Pastoral Charge
First Nation Social Justice Truth & Reconciliation Commission; Special needs e.g., Housing
Lake Scugog Camp

Refugee Resettlement
El Hogar Projects, Honduras

Thank you to all who continue to make Leaside’s Awesome Sales truly “Miracles on Millwood”!!!

Bob Lister and George Hurst