
Experiencing Creation with All Our Senses: Sound

September 26, 2021

Blessing of the Animals
“All God’s Creatures got a place in the choir”

Today’s service includes a Blessing of the Animals, so bring your pet with you to church – or a photo if that is a little more still.

This week our Anthem “A Place in the Choir” is a fun celebration of animal sounds. We will also sing “All Things Bright and Beautiful” as a hymn following the Blessing of the Animals.

Our Zoom service will include a time for lighting candles as our prayers for joys and sorrows – including all of our celebrations.

Join Zoom at 11:10am for a time of conversation following the service.

Next Sunday
We continue on to Taste next Sunday, as we celebrate Worldwide Communion live on Zoom. There will be a shorter time of worship shared on YouTube, but consider attending Zoom by computer or phone next week to share in communion with one another, bringing bread and juice, or whatever you have at home that is similar, with you.

This Sunday – Blessing of the Animals

This Sunday September 26th at 10:30am we continue the Season of Creation via Zoom

Blessing of the Animals

Our worship on our next sense, Sound, will also include a Blessing of the Animals, so bring your pets or photos of your pet to the screen with you!

Experiencing Creation with All Our Senses”When I behold the Sky”

Cannon Beach, Oregon

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Today at 9am In the Wild will be gathering on the Church Lawn (with masks and distancing). Our first of a new monthly time for spirituality in nature for all ages, called In the Wild. This month our theme is balance, and we will have the opportunity to look more closely at the new plantings around the church. If you cannot attend this month, save the date for October 17th.

Today for our 10:30am service on Zoom and YouTube, we are on our second week of experiencing creation with all our senses. As we reflect on sight, we turn to poetry of the Romanticism movement which offers a perspective on the sacredness of nature.

Our music includes a beautiful arrangement of Be Thou My Vision by Bob Chilcott, as well as hymns that express the beauty of creation.

The service will be the same on Zoom and YouTube, so watch either way and then join Zoom at 11am for a time of conversation.

Next Sunday
Our worship on our next sense, Sound, will also include a Blessing of the Animals, so bring your pets or photos of your pet to the screen with you!

Sunday September 12, 2021 – Blessing of the Backpacks

Experiencing Creation with All Our Senses: Touch
Blessing of the Backpacks

Today’s service includes a Blessing of the Backpacks. You are invited to bring backpacks or bags to the screen for this blessing, or anything that for you symbolizes our students and educators who have just returned to school (even drawing a picture of a backpack or an apple on a piece of paper). If you appreciate the blessing and would like to send it to someone you know, we are also sharing a link to just this part of the service. For those joining on Zoom, we will also share an additional responsive prayer for students and educators.

Today we begin the Season of Creation with the first week of our series “experiencing creation with all of our senses.” We begin with the sense of touch, and hear of Jesus teaching about the importance of being like children.

This morning we begin a musical fall, with a full quartet leading our hymns, sung responses, and anthem. You will notice that there is more recording in our beautifully renovated sanctuary, as we continue to learn about the A/V system and how it can work for us.

Come for our Stories and Makers Nest starting at 9:55am, or any time before our 10:30am service. If you are watching on YouTube, join Zoom at 11am for a time of conversation.