
Singing Joy? | Sunday May 16th, 2021

The word joy appears times in the gospel according to John during the Farewell discourse, Jesus’ final words to the disciples on the night before his death. Today we ask the question: How do we talk, and sing, about joy during difficult times?

Our service will include music recorded last fall by the Uniting Voices Collective, Matt and four other music directors in Toronto. Our hymns will feature guitar, and we will hear the solo “Homeward Bound.”

On Zoom, the service will also include time to share your own favourite joke or pun, prayers and the Lord’s Prayer.
If you would like to share in conversation before the service (as well or instead of after), join Zoom by 10:15 to be placed in a breakout room. Or come even earlier for our Stories and Makers Nest program at 9:55 on Zoom, or any time on YouTube.

Next Sunday

May 23 is the first of two sermon and music exchanges with Northlea United Church. We will hear a Pentecost sermon by Northlea’s minister Lee-Ann Ahlstrom, and music will feature recordings from both Leaside and Northlea. Then, on June 20 we will have our second exchange, with both congregations hearing a sermon by Emily.

A dedication from Leaside’s Virtual Choir to frontline workers

This beautiful blessing by Rutter is dedicated to our essential workers for all they do!

#LUCVirtualMusicSeries#virtualchoir#RutterThe Lord Bless You and Keep You – John Rutter

The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face to shine upon you, To shine upon you and be gracious, and be gracious unto you. The Lord lift up the light Of His countenance upon you, And give you peace. Amen.

Credits: Matthew Boutda, Director of Music & Organist Leaside Virtual Choir Peter Bull, audio Matthew Boutda, video For more information about the music program at Leaside United Church, email Director of Music, Matthew Boutda at #LUCVirtualMusicSeries​ is a new music series featuring online musical offerings by LUC.

Christian Family Sunday – May 9th, 2021

Today our service is a musical celebration, with a Virtual Choir Anthem and a Junior Virtual Choir Hymn, a flute duet, Ave Maria, and and Opening Hymn by the Uniting Voices Collective.

Our Prayer for Mother’s Day has been shared by the United Church, and the sermon reflects on being pushed by God’s expansive love.

If you are joining on Zoom, there will be an opportunity for conversation groups before the service for anyone who joins by 10:15am.

You can also come earlier for the Stories and Makers Nest, which will be shown at 9:55am on Zoom (or any time on YouTube). Today’s story will be about Ruth and Naomi, and we’ll share a flower craft.

Thank you to everyone who worked to make this service possible. Every week there are many people involved who make worship possible – and on a week like this it is especially true!

Next Sunday

Our service will be “Singing Joy?” Do you know that the word “joy” comes up several times in the gospel according to John, during the Farewell discourse – Jesus’ final words to the disciples on the night before his death? How do we talk, and sing, about joy during difficult times?

Mental Health Sunday and Communion – May 2, 2021

Photo by Murray Fenner April 2021 at Leaside United
Today we will be celebrating communion live on Zoom at 10:30am. Bring bread, or something similar, and juice, wine or something else to drink when you join the service. We will share in communion together.
The YouTube service will include a poem “A Single Grape.”

On both Zoom and YouTube, our service will reflect on words from John’s gospel, “I am the True Vine.” We will hear the Leaside Virtual Choir anthem “For the Beauty of the Earth,” as well as sing a new hymn text for “Abide with Me” that connects with today’s scripture (see below). We will also hear another small spiritual practice, and say A New Creed together.

During the reflection, I will also be mentioning that this is Mental Health Sunday, the start of Mental Health Awareness week. The United Church is sharing an online series for everyone May 3-7, including “Mental Health, Wellness, and the Medicine Wheel Teachings” on Monday, and “Trauma Fatigue” on Friday. You can learn more HERE.
Next Sunday is Christian Family Sunday, and we have another fully recorded service perfect for sharing with family and friends. Music will include a Junior Virtual Choir Hymn, a new Leaside Virtual Choir Project, a solo, and a flute duet. The service will celebrate the radical openness of God’s love.

May 16th our service “Singing Joy?” will have a few jokes, some lighthearted hymns accompanied by guitar, music from the Uniting Voices Collective, time for reflection and our final Easter Small Spiritual Practice will be a part of this service on what joy means during these difficult times.