Performers across Canada and all over the world gathered to share their talents virtually! The Coordinators and Virtual Variety Show Committee curated a virtual variety show across the globe! There are violins, rock bands, basketball hoops, soccer, dogs, babies, crooners, artists, poets and more! So get comfy and enjoy this year’s show!
If you would like to thank the performers for their talent and the crew who put the show together we are asking you to support this show by donating to these charities:
Today we celebrate 5 years as an Affirming Congregation! As an affirming congregation, we celebrate the richness of our community when we have diversity in age, gender identity, racial/cultural backgrounds, sexual orientation, ability and family configurations. Being affirming is an ongoing process of learning and unlearning. Let’s celebrate together and commit to continue this important work of love.
Our service includes an Opening Prayer written by Leaside’s Affirming Team, which invites us to repeat “All are welcome here!” We hear scripture, including “I am the Good Shepherd” and Psalm 23, and sing “Draw the Circle Wide.” The service begins with “There is Room for All” sung by the Uniting Voices Collective formed by five Toronto United Church Music Directors including Matt Boutda.
On Zoom at 10:30am this morning, we will also share the Junior Choir hymn “My Love Colours Outside the Lines” and will have a time to discuss being an affirming congregation in breakout rooms during the service.
Either way, join Zoom at 11:30am for conversation time.
The Stories and Makers Nest will hear about Moses and the Burning Bush. Join Zoom at 9:55am this morning, or watch any time on YouTube!
Next Sunday
May 2 we will be sharing Communion Live on Zoom, so remember to bring bread, or something bread-like, and juice, wine or another beverage. Our service on YouTube will explore another of Jesus’ I am statements: “I am the True Vine.”
Then, May 9 is Christian Family Sunday, and we look forward to our next Virtual Choir project!
We are called to be the Church to celebrate God’s presence to live with respect in Creation from A New Creed
Today we celebrate Earth Sunday in advance of Earth Day on April 22nd. Today our service includes the solo “I Got Me Flowers,” the United Church’s National Virtual Choir Project “Peace for the Children,” scripture and reflection, and another small spiritual practice to try this week.
On Zoom, the service will also include the hymn “This is God’s Wondrous World,” announcements, and as our gathering music “God of the Sparrow / O Beautiful Gaia.” If you would like to hear the Gathering Music, please arrive by 10:25am. However you join in worship this morning, you can join Zoom at 11:20am for conversation.
Our Stories and Crafts program will be about Sarai and Abram. For the craft, you’ll need a jar, water, dish soap, food colouring, oil, and your choice of items such as glitter, beans, sequins, or buttons. Join at 9:45 to watch on Zoom at 9:55am, or view any time on YouTube – and remember to share with those you know who are young or young at heart!
Next Sunday
We will celebrate 5 years as an Affirming congregation! The service will include music from the Uniting Voices Collective and an Opening Prayer written by our own Affirming Team. For those joining on Zoom, we will have a time for discussion during the service, and will also sing “My Love Colours Outside the Lines” along with the Junior Choir.
May 2 will be our next opportunity to share Communion live over Zoom.
Today is the second Sunday of Easter. Our service includes the hymn Christ is Alive, music by guest organist Cara Halpin, a reflection on Jesus’ words “Peace be with you” and a small spiritual practice to try during the week.
Over Zoom, the service at 10:30am will also include time to light candles for joys and sorrows and saying A New Creed.
Either way you share in worship this morning, join Zoom at 11:15am for a time of conversation.
You can join Zoom at 9:45 to watch our Stories and Crafts program at 9:55, or watch any time on YouTube. The story will be about the Road to Emmaus.
Looking Ahead Next Sunday, we celebrate Earth Sunday with scripture, reflection, poetry, and music, including the United Church’s National Virtual Choir Project “Peace for the Children”. As we get ready for Earth Sunday, take a look at the information on the North Toronto Cluster of Churches Green Team initiative Earth Day Bingo HERE!
Then, on April 25th, we will celebrate our Affirming Anniversary, marking 5 years since Leaside United Church first made our affirming commitment.
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