
Birth Day Party Slideshow

Many thanks to Photographer Murray Fenner for these great pictures of the “Birth” Day Party last Saturday, June 10/17 as we celebrated the birth or our new congregation between Leaside United and Presteign-Woodbine United Churches.  A true celebration!

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Stefanie’s Tree

Photo Credit: Murray Fenner

Stefanie Rengel’s Memorial Tree in full bloom this spring.

This gorgeous Cherry Blossom tree is on the grounds of Presteign-Woodbine United Church.

Taken this May by photographer Murray Fenner.


Are You Interested In …?


On Sunday at the Activity Fair, we had a table for people to sign up for ideas they might be interested in for next year. The idea is that we will definitely not do all of the ideas – just the ones that have the most interest. We’ve collected all these ideas and put them up on the wall outside our church offices.  Take some time when you are in the church next, to review the ideas and sign up for any that intrigue you!

Blessings, Emily Gordon & Tanya Wiles-Bell