
Got your Summer Reading List ready?

Rev. Emily takes a few moments to dip into her stack of summer reading (accompanied by treasured previously read books from her library).  What’s in your reading stack?

A closer look at Emily’s stack …

Emily’s Weekday Wonderings – May 29th, 2018

Our church’s Birthday Celebration is coming up! On June 10th it will be one year since the coming together of Leaside United Church and Presteign-Woodbine United Church as one new congregation.

So why bother celebrating birthdays (church birthdays or our own birthdays)?

I think there are several reasons that apply:

  • They recognize where we have been, what we have accomplished, and what we have learned – an opportunity for reflection and thanksgiving.
  • They are a witness to the strength of joy, love, and hope in the face of fear, sorrow, and uncertainty.
  • They celebrate the inherent goodness of all life.

How will we be celebrating our church’s birthday on June 10th? …

Acknowledging Territories

Truth and reconciliation is an evolving process of healing and understanding. One of the ways we can remember is by acknowledging that we meet on the Traditional Territory of the Mississaugas of the New Credit. With Supply Minister Rev. Warren McDougall at Leaside United Church.

Worship Today – Sunday May 6th @ 10:30am

This Sunday, we have the opportunity to welcome Rhiannon Hill as our guest worship leader and preacher. Rhiannon is a student at Emmanuel College in Toronto and has just completed her first year. After spending several years in the world of Photography and Fashion Styling she found herself back in the world of church and was reinvigorated with a deep need to explore Christian faith and a relationship with the Divine in all things.

This is a wonderful opportunity to share in Rhiannon’s reflections and insights, as well as offering her the opportunity to continue to grow as a preacher. When I did some of my first guest preaching as an Emmanuel Student – which happened to be at Presteign-Woodbine – I was invited by Cheryl-Lynn MacPherson to visit the church, discuss the service and share wisdom. I was pleased to be able to offer this same opportunity to Rhiannon, and we were able to spend some time getting to know each other, sharing our experiences, and talking about worship. I look forward to hearing about Rhiannon’s words when I return.

Rev. Emily Gordon