Worship at Home Resources

Worship every Week!

Source: rawpixels.com

Join us on Zoom at 10:30am every Sunday morning – just sign up for our email list in the sidebar of the website to get the worship email plus other news including the Zoom link for service (or sign up at the bottom of this page if you are on a mobile device) OR watch our worship services and worship moments at your leisure on Leaside United’s YouTube channel.

Our summer worship includes collaborative services with other United
Churches, as well as reflections on spiritual practices and more. We look forward to seeing you!

Worship at Home – June 28th, 2020 | Pride Sunday


Your presence is a blessing.  

Today we celebrate Pride Sunday.
Our service on YouTube includes the hymn “Our Love Colours Outside the Lines,” Psalm 13, and the Pride Parade video from our congregation.
On Zoom, our service will also include the poem “Who Said It Was Simple” by Audre Lorde and “For the Great Diversity: a prayer for Pride 2020” and a conversational reflection.

Join us on Zoom any time after 10 for our 10:30 service, or gather between 9:45 and 10 for our children’s program. If you watch the service on YouTube, join us on Zoom at 11:15 for our Conversation Time.
Find all the links in your email box!

Pride Parade and UCC Party
The Toronto Pride Parade is happening today from 12-1:30 and can be viewed here.

The United Church pride party (including our pride greetings video) will be happening tomorrow at 6pm, and you will be able to join here.

Worship Team, Rev. Emily Gordon, Natalie Jahn and Matthew Boutda

Worship at Home – Sunday June 21, 2020


Your presence is a blessing.  

Today is both the Indigenous Day of Prayer and Father’s Day. The service will include a visit from Robbie, prayer written for the Indigenous Day of Prayer, and the hymn “This is God’s Wondrous World.”

On Zoom, we will also share a time of lighting candles together, share a Psalm, and hear more about Treaties in our area. As is our new usual, you can watch the service on YouTube, or connect through Zoom or by phoning in.

Join us on Zoom any time after 10 for our 10:30 service, or gather between 9:45 and 10 for our children’s program. If you watch the service on YouTube, join us on Zoom at 11:10 for our Conversation Time.

Then, at 11:15, you will have the option to join another break out room to watch a 9 minute video shared by the UCC Black Clergy Network.

Your worship team, Rev. Emily Gordon, Matthew Boutda and Natalie Jahn

Worship at Home – Celebration Sunday June 14, 2020


Your presence is a blessing.

This morning, at or before 10:30 am, watch our service on YouTube for the best experience of the music – including 3 virtual anthems!
At 11:00 am, join on Zoom for:

  • Stewardship Celebration slideshow
  • more musical highlights
  • A very short congregational meeting to approve council and committee members next year
  • Time for conversation

As usual, our children’s program will begin at 10 on Zoom, and we’ll share the service on Zoom at 10:30 for anyone phoning in to hear the service.

Use the links in your email to connect, read the bulletin (including musical notes) and the announcements (including an update about the building closure), and donate.

We look forward to worshiping with you!

~ The Worship Planning Team(Emily, Matt, and Natalie)