
A Lovely Lessons & Carols!


Thank You!

On behalf of us all, I extend a sincere thank you to everyone who made last Sunday’s Service of Lessons and Carols such a huge success – to the readers, the instrumentalists, the singers – but especially to Sharon Beckstead, Music Director.   This is a huge undertaking, which Sharon carries off with efficiency and aplomb.

Also a huge “Thank You” to everyone who donated approximately $2500 for the Out of the Cold program!

Thank you!

Rev. Warren McDougall

Enjoy these pictures our volunteer photographer Murray Fenner captured at the Candlelight Reception afterwards!

Egale Canada Human Rights Trust


Just got this pocket guide from Egale, Canada Human Rights Trust a social justice advocacy group that works to improve the lives of LGBTQI2S people in Canada.  Check out our Affirming page!


– Tanya


Year-End Givings 2017

Year-End Givings Reminder: We would ask that you take this opportunity to bring your givings up to date during the month of December, the end of our financial year. Your contribution must be received in the church office on or before Sunday, December 31st, 2017 in order to receive credit on your 2017 charitable tax receipt.  Thank you so much for your continued support of Leaside United Church.