
Spirit Alive – December 9, 2017

All welcome to gather for meditation, questioning and learning at Spirit Alive

on Saturday, December 9th, 2017

gathering at 10:00am to noon

at Leaside United Church.

Refreshments at the beginning will provide a sharing time.

David Phillips is providing the leadership and his topic

will be “Places that Lift the Spirit”. Each participant who attends 

the session is asked to describe two “places” that they experience as 

spirit-lifting. This place can exist in the real world – e.g. somewhere in 

the city or a cottage or a place they have visited while travelling – or it 

might be a fictional place they have come to know through a book, or movie 

or musical performance. Each participant is requested to illustrate their 

selection of a spirit-lifting place with one or more of a picture, an 

artifact, music, or a story. We are interested in sharing experiences about 

what sorts of places have the effect of lifting our spirits, and inquiring 

into why they have this effect.

On a regular basis Spirit Alive meets to explore matters of spirituality, meditate, and reflect together. Save the second Saturday morning of the month to meet at 10:00 to noon. Spirit Alive begins with coffee, snacks and fellowship followed by a period of led meditation, music, quiet time and reflection to deepen the sense of the spiritual at the center of one’s life. For more information contact Bea Lawford.


Leaside United Church Census

A dedicated group of people are working hard to gather important information about our community and our congregation as we think about our future. Part of this work is a church census that will ask questions about you, your engagement with the church, and your spiritual life. We’d like to have everyone complete the census – all those who attend Leaside regularly or irregularly, as well as those who do not attend worship but have another connection to and an interest in the church. The more input we have on our congregation, our interests, and our hopes for the future, the better our mission and ministry will be.

Please click the hand to access, fill out and submit the

Leaside United Church Census online:


Thank you very much for your time!

If you have any trouble with the image link above please copy and paste this URL address directly into your browser:


If you would like to print out the census and fill it out by hand, you may download it from the link here, it should be printed on legal 8 1/2″ x 14″ size paper and return to the Church Office after you’ve completed it.


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Rev. Warren McDougall

Join us this Sunday November 19th, 2017 at 10:30 to welcome our Supply Minister Rev. Warren McDougall to his first worship service with us.

Rev. Emily Gordon is on maternity leave and will be returning to LUC on March 13, 2018.


Greeters Needed!

The Abundant Hospitality Committee is enthusiastically looking for people to continue making Leaside United Church a welcoming place.

Would you be interested in being part of a greeting team?

Please contact Bea Lawford (416-421-1135) or Jane.