
Welcome Neil Gordon Joshi!

It is with complete delight we announce the birth of:


yesterday November 14th, 2017, the first child of Rev. Emily Gordon and Nikhil Joshi.

Mother, father and baby are all doing well!

Many blessings to this new happy family!


Emily & Nikhil’s Baby Shower


What a lovely afternoon we spent together last Saturday with the ‘parents to be’ Emily & Nikhil.  Many thanks to all the volunteers, staff and guests who made this such an enjoyable gathering.  Special thanks to Tanya Wiles-Bell for coordinating!

Emily & Nikhil are expecting their first child at the end of this month.  The Rev. Warren McDougall will join us on November 14th, 2017 as our Supply Minister until mid-March 2018 when Emily will return from pregnancy leave just in time for Easter worship and celebrations.

Please enjoy this gallery of pictures Murray Fenner captured of the event!


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