
Presteign-Woodbine Photo Memories

Thank you to James Beagle and Murray Fenner for taking the pictures and organizing these memories for digital viewing.


Welcome Back!

An African proverb says “It takes a village to raise a child.” and we couldn’t agree more at Leaside United Church! On our Welcome Back Sunday yesterday we gathered with our newest member, six-month old Quintin and confirmed our baptismal vows that we are a community who nurtures, supports and encourages people along our life and faith journeys together. We are not alone! #UCCan #baptism

Presteign-Woodbine Nativity Panels

Beautiful Presteign Woodbine #Nativity panels are now hanging in our auditorium/children’s space. A nice addition to our Welcome Back celebrations at the New Leaside United Church yesterday! #EastYork #UCCan #Leaside #NorthYork #Toronto


Scripture Reading Workshop


Have you been reading scripture in worship? Have you thought you might like to but aren’t sure? Would you like the chance to discuss how to prepare, and practice reading into a microphone?  This workshop combines discussion with practical tips for scripture reading, and is a good review for experienced readers or introduction for those who have not read scripture in worship. Join us for a Scripture Reading Workshop on September 21st at 6:00pm to 7:00pm in the Sanctuary.  Please speak to Emily Gordon for more details.