
Reaffirmation of Baptismal Faith

This group of incredible youth ventured on a journey with Rev. Emily Gordon, Tanya Wiles-Bell and Emily Pollock who led them through the Youth Faith Exploration program at Leaside United Church which started in September of 2016 and finished yesterday with the important decision to reaffirm their baptismal faith.  The year took them through a discovery of thoughtful topics like Jesus the Person, Creation/Connection & Conservation, Social Justice & Radical Hospitality to the United Church of Canada History (which they made a video about reenacting the Union of the different churches to become one United Church).  Field trips included a retreat weekend to Camp Big Canoe, a tour of the Ismaili Centre and volunteer work at the Out of the Cold program. Much learning, growing and self discovery occurred in these four amazing humans and we are committed to stay by their side as they continue on a learning adventure of faith.

Are You Interested In …?


On Sunday at the Activity Fair, we had a table for people to sign up for ideas they might be interested in for next year. The idea is that we will definitely not do all of the ideas – just the ones that have the most interest. We’ve collected all these ideas and put them up on the wall outside our church offices.  Take some time when you are in the church next, to review the ideas and sign up for any that intrigue you!

Blessings, Emily Gordon & Tanya Wiles-Bell



Spirit Alive – June 3, 2017

All welcome to join us for Spirit Alive this Saturday, June 3rd gathering at 10:00am at the Lawford’s home.


Ross Lawford will provide the leadership.  At noon we will eat together a shared potluck luncheon. Contact Ross or Bea for more information (416) 421-1135


On a regular basis Spirit Alive meets to explore matters of spirituality, meditate, and reflect together. Save the second Saturday morning of the month to meet at 10:00 to noon. Spirit Alive begins with coffee, snacks and fellowship followed by a period of led meditation, music, quiet time and reflection to deepen the sense of the spiritual at the center of one’s life. For more information contact Bea Lawford.