What is a Bibliodrama?
A Bibliodrama is the reenactment of biblical stories in small groups of (adult) participants, who are interested in understanding the biblical tradition in non-fundamentalist ways. It is a playful, spiritual, and dramatic approach to biblical stories.
In preparation of our special coming together event next week you can watch this short video explaining Bibliodramas:
Source: www.bibliodrama.com
Wednesday, March 29th from 6:00 to 9:00
We’ll gather at tables around a simple meal of homemade soup and artisan bread and butter with fruit and cookies for dessert.
There will be lively discussion and laughter and an opportunity to enter into a Bible story in a way that invites “AHA” moments of insight.
Following our communal supper of soup, we’ll have an opportunity to engage in a Bibliodrama on the text (Mark 14:1-10). A Bibliodrama is a close reading of the Biblical text with searching, imaginative questions. It offers people of all ages and levels of knowledge a chance to experience a method of creative study that might change the way they will read the Bible. For more information, go to the Bibliodrama web site (http://www.bibliodrama.com/)
This event promises an enjoyable and memorable evening. Come! We are expecting you!
Be Blessed to be a Blessing, Reverend Rose Ann Vita
The Chickens Build a Wall
The kids and youth of Leaside United Church had a lot of fun learning and exploring the theme of “Finding Home” through the meaning of “welcome”! This play was an adaptation of Jean-François Dumont’s book of the same name. A big thank you to Tanya Wiles-Bell, Emily Pollock and all the participants for a great show and reminder of radical hospitality!
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