Come and Have Breakfast – Sunday May 1st, 2022

Join us this Morning for some or all of our Community Breakfast, Worship, and Annual General Meeting!

10:00 – Community Breakfast (church lawn and Zoom)
10:45 – Worship (in-person, Zoom, and YouTube)
11:30 – Congregational Meeting (in-person and Zoom)
11:45 – Desserts and Conversation (church lawn)

10am Community Breakfast – In addition to breakfast, we will have cards for the congregation to sign, chalk to decorate our church sidewalks, and an opportunity to discuss and offer feedback on church priorities and a Leaside Community Prayer (more information below). All ages very welcome – come to the church lawn or Zoom, even if you cannot stay for worship.

10:45am Worship – We’ll hear a story of Jesus sharing a meal with the disciples, as we think about what our Mission is as a church. Our music includes the beautiful anthem “For the Beauty of the Earth” and the hymn “Now the Green Blade Rises.” We will also mark Mental Health Sunday with a Litany of Naming and another Small Spiritual Practice.

AGM – Directly following worship we will hold our AGM. Those participating on Zoom will be able to relay questions or comments. You are also welcome to send us any ahead of time (

Dessert – Following the Meeting join us on the Church lawn once again for continued conversation and a sweet end to the morning!

Looking Ahead
Sunday, May 8 will be our first Story Time at 9:30am on the church lawn. There are some beautiful picture books that can be enjoyed for both their art and their message by all ages. Come for this all ages gathering before our 10:30am Mother’s Day service, featuring our Junior Choir as well as our Chancel Choir!