We traveled through the story of Holy Week, beginning with Palm Sunday and the triumphal palm parade gave way to increasing opposition by religious authorities who feared Roman reprisals and disillusionment by crowds who longed for a sword-wielding Messiah that would fight for their freedom, and instead found… Jesus. Jesus who talked about peace, honesty, generosity, and non-violent resistance to oppression.
On Good Friday, our service was one of “Loss and Love”, as we brought our own experiences of loss to this story, and were moved by a love that was so strong that it endured being betrayed, abandoned, and killed by those in power.
We enjoyed a string quartet accompanying Schutz’s Seven Last Words of Christ, along with hearing scripture, sharing hymns and refrains, and ending with a beautiful solo “Were you there?” As we listened to the music and story, and sang and prayed together, we remembered that in all of our suffering God is there, suffering with us, loving with us.
Then on Easter Sunday we celebrated that even this moving truth of God’s presence is not the end of the story. Through times of loss and times of death, God brings transformation. Having journeyed together through Good Friday, our celebration on Easter Sunday is richer, deeper, and more joyful.
This year we had lots of memorial flowers, trumpet music, the Junior Choir, special anthems, and a chance for everyone to join in the Hallelujah chorus. Easter is a time when generations gather, when there is the buzz of energy, and the rush of preparing meals to share with family and friends. Easter is a time when we are called to be Easter People, who celebrate life and love at every opportunity, always recognizing the new possibilities for ourselves, our church, and our communities.
Thank you to everyone for sharing these holy days.
Blessings, Rev. Emily
Photographs by our Volunteer Photographer, Murray Fenner.
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