Emily’s Weekday Wonderings – What I’m Doing this July

General Council 43

Weekday Wonderings: What I’m Doing this July

This summer I have been elected as a commissioner to the 43rd General Council (GC43) of the United Church of Canada. This meeting of the whole denomination happens in person every 3 years, and this year it is being hosted in Oshawa. My term as Commissioner will last for 3 years, until the 44th meeting, but the week of July 21-27th and the lead up to that week, is the busiest part of my commitment. For the remaining 3 years there will be two or three relatively brief online meetings. I know this can sound like a lot of church speak, and not necessarily what you want to read about in the summer, but I did want to share a bit of what is happening for me and for the larger church.

Risking Faith, Daring Hope

This is the theme of GC43, and I thought it was such an interesting one
that we’ll have the opportunity to explore it in worship at Leaside United during July. What does faith ask us to risk? What are we daring when we hope?  Where do we need to bring risk and daring into our own lives, our community, and our world? I talk about this in our first “Minute with Emily” video.


This summer there are over 90 proposals coming to General Council, so I am doing a lot of reading! The proposals have been grouped into 14 themes, 10 of which we will be focusing on at our meeting in our listening and discussion. The themes are: Care for Creation; Identity & Vision; Remit Implementation; Advocacy; Administration of Sacraments; Governance; Leadership; Small & Rural Ministry; Ministry Personnel; Engaging Mental Health in the Church; Pension Matters; Theology; Right Relations; Intercultural & Dominant Privilege Lenses. Which themes interest you? Which ones should our church be talking about?

Making Decisions

This year GC43 is trying out a new process for making decisions, which will spend more time on listening and discussion groups related to the themes before decision-making discussions about proposals. The hope is that this process, adapted from the World Council of Churches among other places, will help avoid repetition and word-smithing and instead focus on ideas and direction. Where do we get caught up in the details in our lives and our congregation, rather than stepping back and looking at the big picture?

The Festival of Faith – Everyone Welcome

This year on July 21 and July 22 as GC43 begins, there will also be a Festival of Faith open to everyone. Since it is free and only in Oshawa, you should consider taking part. There are activities for all ages, from music, arts, and creativity, to bouncy castles. There are also a set of very interesting workshops, such as “Disability and the Church: Re-Imagining Being Together,” “The Church as Community Hub,” “End of Life Decisions: A Pastoral Conversation,” “Snakes: Sinners, Saints, or Snacks” and more! To learn more about what’s happening, and possibly plan a day at the Festival of Faith, visit https://generalcouncil43.ca/festival

Festival of Faith 2018

Conversations Continue

I’d love to talk to you more about my experience as a Commissioner before or after GC43 – feel free to invite me out for tea, drop by the office, ask a question on a Sunday, or send an email any time!


Rev. Emily Gordon