LUC Renovation Team Communiqué – September 25, 2018

September 25, 2018

We had a successful Renovation Team Town Hall on Sunday September 16th, 2018 with very good attendance and guest speaker architect Michael Nicholas-Schmidt, Senior Associate from Larkin Architects Ltd.

Larkin was chosen from a short list of five architects.  Larkin has completed over 100 projects for churches and parishes in Southern Ontario and are architecture specialists with an expertise in heritage restoration/rehabilitation facilitating the designs of sacred spaces.

Roberto Chiotti, Principal and Michael Nicholas-Schmidt, Senior Associate of Larkin Architects Ltd. are the lead architects for our project.  Roberto is a founding partner of Larkin and in addition to his full architect credentials he also earned a master’s degree in Theological Studies.

Roberto and Michael have been very knowledgeable and forthright with us and it’s not all good news – because they and others have already told us our expectations are very high.  Probably $4 to 5 million projected costs which is double our budget (we are currently working with a budget of $2.5 million).  Larkin will help us to focus in on selecting the key priorities for us going forward.  All things will not be able to be done and we know you understand this.

We reviewed key leadership positions as follows;  Overall Team Leadership – Co-Chairs Brenda French, Warren McDougall, Graham Lute. Key Missional Activities – Co-Chairs Emily Gordon, Warren McDougall plus many members of the congregation. Overall Building and Construction (Internal, External, Re-imagined) – Co-Chairs Jim Miller, Fraser Holman. Key briefs – Co-Chairs Brenda French, Anne Raby and Graham Lute. Financing, Recording and Rental Facilities Planning Co-Chairs Bill Kinnear and Ann Fraser and Outbound Communications – Michele Petick communicating every other week and when needed.

Our main goals:

First – Connect and inspire our local congregation with our Mission including key initiatives for a healthy and strong congregation for the next 10-20 years as we change.

Second – Upgrade and renovate the building structure, infrastructure and site in line with our Mission.

Third – Explore ways to reach a broader community, across East York and Leaside, with Missional priorities and special new projects.

The Renovation Team will manage the everyday planning and implementation details and operations, reporting to the LUC Church Council.  Council will communicate and discern with the LUC congregation in a timely manner.

After all the research and input the LUC Renovation Team will interpret the key directions and sentiments of the LUC congregation to the best of their abilities in as efficient and affordable manner as possible.  These key architecture elements are improving our two kitchens, exterior landscaping and modernizing of the sanctuary and chancel.

Current Timetable:

During October the discernment of plans and architect recommendations with LUC Council and congregation will happen.

A Lunch N Learn has been organised for Sunday October 21st after worship in the Auditorium and will run for roughly 90 minutes to two hours and will provide us opportunities to meet with the architect’s again to talk about final refined plans.

On Sunday October 28th a brief Town Hall will be held directly after worship in the Sanctuary to summarize what was discussed at the Lunch N Learn from the previous week.

You are invited to attend both as you are available.  The next important date will be to be send architectural and missional plans to Toronto South East Presbytery for approval on November 12th, 2018.

Construction could begin in the spring or summer of 2019.

Q & A from Town Hall Meeting

Does the government have must do’s on accessibility?

No, but we will have our own requirements.

Do three arrows on street corner mean a new entrance?

No, but reminder of viewpoint.

Will we be encroaching on the greenspace?

Maybe around the entrance.

Comment: Remember to look after the safety of the children, so they do not wander off.

Is air conditioning in the plans?

It is a priority and also challenge. We must bring fresh air into the church.

The traffic can be bumper to bumper at McRae and Millwood and the light on the lawn sign does not show up.  Any plans to upgrade exterior signage?

Yes, it is in the plans.

Are there any big code issues?

Yes, fire safety, this can be expensive.

Will we remember to preserve the history of Leaside United?

Yes, and also hopefully use this space beyond worship as there is Missional desire for music and arts. We will do two or three major changes.

Can we make the gym safer for the community?

We can do this step now, and enjoy the upgrade.

Is the removal of the choir pews and the choir moving to the center of the chancel part of the renovation?

The movement of the choir pews to chairs is part of a mission of creating more space in the chancel for future performance space opportunities and to allow the choir to be more connected with the congregation when we sing together.