Today during our service on Zoom we will have Palm parade. You can make a palm in a couple of minutes (see the instruction video here), or find some ferns or other green plants, and a scarf, paper or something else to wave.
Also on Zoom we will be watching a Palm Pageant, shared by Rosedale United Church, with children and youth from our two congregations.
On YouTube, our worship service will include scripture, reflection, prayer, and music including Hosanna-filled hymns and a solo of the spiritual “I Want Jesus to Walk With Me.” We end our service today with silence as we move into Holy Week.
Our Palm Sunday Stories and Crafts program can be watched at 9:55am on Zoom, or any time on YouTube.
H O L Y † W E E K
On Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Holy Wednesday, and Holy Saturday, there will be a short time of scripture and prayer shared on YouTube. You can find them each day on our YouTube channel.
Good Friday we will be sharing a joint service with Northlea United Church. Easter Sunday, our service will include more musical collaborations with Northlea United Church, along with trumpets.
YouTube and Zoom links for Good Friday and Easter will be shared later in the week.
Maundy Thursday there are two different opportunities to share communion. Remember to bring bread and juice with you.
- The Last Supper and You is a child and family-friendly event from 4:30-5:30pm.
- A simple evening communion service will be at 7:30pm.
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