September 5, 2019

LUC Renovation Project Team Update:
We are very excited! Demolition and construction will begin at Leaside United Church next week to begin fulfilling our renovation plans!
Please read the schedule below for the construction to be performed over the next couple of months and the special safety alerts for everyone should be aware of.
- Phase 1 is the construction of the new main floor kitchenette and two (2) adjacent gender-neutral washrooms will begin immediately. Completion of these new upgrades in Phase 1 is scheduled for November.
- You will notice signs asking everyone to stay out of the construction zones for your safety. Please obey and respect the posted signs.
- During Phase 1 there will be some inconveniences for our congregation members as well as our renters. We are doing everything possible to keep disruption at a minimum. We hope you understand. Until November the two main floor washrooms, near the Hearth Room, will be under construction and not in use. The two washrooms in the basement, the two washrooms in the nursery school area, as well as, the washroom adjacent to the minister’s office (available on weekends only!) will be available for your use.
- Coffee and visiting after our Sunday worship service will move downstairs to the gymnasium during Phase 1 until November.
- We have learned that we may not be able to afford all our renovation wishes within our approved budget. Our architect and construction management firm are preparing final construction estimates and we will then determine, along with the Church Council, the parts of the plans that we may have to reduce or eliminate. We will continue to keep you advised.
Thank you for your patience and consideration during this exciting time for our congregation. We are very excited and hope you are too!
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact any member of the Renovation Team.
Jim Miller, Fraser Holman, Graham Lute, Brenda French, Anne Raby, and Ann Fraser
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