The Holy Week Story Has Begun!

Sunday we began Holy Week with our Palm/Passion Sunday service. We enjoyed a joyful palm parade and remembered Jesus entering into Jerusalem, surrounded by the cheers and expectations of the crowds. We continued the story through the Last Supper, sharing Communion together, and ended – for the day – in the Garden of Gethsame, with Jesus in prayer. I say “for the day” because it’s important that we don’t think of Holy Week as a time with some separate worship services but as a time when we hear one story over more than one day. We might have our favourite parts, but they all belong together. I encourage you not to skip the beginning, or the middle, or the end, but hope we will travel through the story together.

Last Sunday, we also enjoyed the musical gifts of the Junior Choir, the C-Flats Jazz Band, and an Offertory Solo in addition to our Chancel Choir. The variety of music contributed to our Reflection for the day “Sound and Silence.” And of course the donkey made an appearance! 

Blessings, Rev. Emily Gordon

647-303-6709 (work cell)

Like to read the scripture readings ahead?

To read the full Holy Week and Easter story, read from Luke 19:29-24:12.

For Palm Sunday: Luke 19:29-40; 21:37-38; 22:7-23,39-42,45-46

Good Friday: Luke 22:47-62; 22:66-23:6; 23:32-49

Easter Sunday: Luke 24:1-5,9-12  

Here are pictures of our time together on Palm Sunday taken by our Volunteer Photographer, Murray Fenner: