Music Highlights for our Church Birthday Celebration
With our Leaside Celebration and baptism this Sunday, we welcome our guest organist, Gerald “Gerry” van Wyck and guest singers, who will be joining our choir for this special service.
Gerry was the Director of Music here at Leaside United from 1983-1987. Since moving to Vancouver in 1987, he continues to serve as Minister of Music at West Vancouver United Church. He also teaches music history and conducting at Vancouver Community College and is the Music Director of the Pacific Spirit Choir.
Our choir anthem, The Road Home by Stephen Paulus, reflects on the idea of “returning” and “coming home” after being lost or wandering.
Consider coming early to hear the wonderful prelude from our guest organist and be present for our baptism!
Other Highlights of our Church Birthday!
The Stewardship Committee will be sharing its annual celebration slideshow, highlighting the many things we have done as a congregation over the past year, and follow the service with Lemonade on the Lawn.
Our service will also include the opportunity to say the Mission of Leaside United Church together, and look forward to the year ahead.
This Sunday we will also have our second All Ages Story Time at 9:30am. This month we will touch on the theme of Mindfulness, reading two books Too Many Bubbles: A Story about Mindfulness, and Happy: A Beginner’s Book of Mindfulness, along with others including Jabari Jumps.
Story Time will be held on the church lawn, and we invite all ages to come for pictures and stories that remind us of the simple things that it is sometimes be hard to remember. If it is raining, Story Time will be postponed to a later date. Interested in being added to the All Ages Story Time email list? Let Emily know.
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