Volunteer Opportunities

Leaside United Church has volunteer Tree Teams, which began September 2023, who work together to make Sunday mornings a warm and welcoming experience. Our volunteers enrich our community of faith in so many ways: being a welcoming presence for newcomers and long-time members, offering leadership during worship, and supporting our connection with one another. The Tree Teams work together to greet people as they arrive at worship, make and serve coffee, read scripture, and cleaning up at the end, with each person taking on a role that interests them. All ages and abilities are very welcome. Each Tree Team has two 2-week times scheduled over the year. If you would like to learn more about the Tree Teams, or try it our, please call or email Robert Lapier, Office Administrator (robert@leasideuc.com 416-425-1253 ext 21), or speak with a greeter on a Sunday morning. Thank you to all of our Teams – the Crabapples, Junipers, Magnolias, Maples, Mulberries, Oaks, Pines, Spruces and Willows!

If you haven’t already joined a team, it is a good way to make new friends, earn volunteer hours and help others within the church community and beyond. Below are other suggestions for volunteering at Leaside United.

  • Help with the Awesome Sale–donate sale items, prepare the sale area Thursday evening, work at a table Friday or Saturday, contribute baking or preserves, come to purchase.
  • Sing in the choir.
  • Become a pastoral partner and visit or phone people who need support or who appreciate the contact.
  • Assist with children’s worship on a Sunday morning.
  • Help greet or serve refreshments at special services.
  • Assist with contributing content to the website.
  • Organize fellowship events.
  • Bake cookies or squares for special teas.
  • Assist with serving or cleanup at events.
  • Join a committee
    Click here for list of Committees
  • Donate money.
  • Save your used postage stamps for the Leprosy Mission, cut and sort stamps.
  • Donate eyeglasses for the Christian Blind Mission International.
  • Deliver flowers to shut-ins.
  • Write letters on social issues.
  • Particpate in the many Outreach Programs that support our community.
  • Initiate something we haven’t thought of yet!